Gail Hoshiyama Nanbu (What is an American?, The Quality Market, Scotties)
Gail was born in Chicago, IL in 1944, where her parents, Willie and Fumiko Hoshiyama, were married after an early exit from Topaz. The family returned to San Francisco in 1949, but Gail has lived in Walnut Creek, CA for many years. She and her husband, Gerry Nanbu, love to travel, especially to Japan. Gail enjoys Ikebana and making Kimekomi dolls while still helping clients with their tax issues as an enrolled agent.

Joseph Nishimura (Leaving Topaz)
Joseph Nishimura was born in Berkeley, CA, where his father was the pastor of the Berkeley Free Methodist Church, which he founded. The Nishimura family of six was interned in Tanforan and Topaz, but resettled in New York City in 1944. Returning to Berkeley in 1945, Joe’s father resumed his ministry and Joe went to Berkeley High School. He graduated from Princeton, served in the U.S. Navy, got an MBA from Stanford, and had a successful career in business and financial management until retirement. Joe and his wife, Joyce, live in Palo Alto.