Contributors by last name: T

Eugene Takei
Eugene Takei

Gene Takei (Test case)

Gene was born Mamoru Sasaki in 1921 in Colusa, CA. He was adopted by the Takei family in 1925. He enlisted in the U.S. Army on December 22, 1941, and spent the war years with the OSS in Burma, monitoring Japanese ships for General Frank Merrill. After the War, he graduated from Macalester College in Minnesota and had a long career in the marketing and sales of art materials. He raised a family in Richmond, CA and passed away in 2005. His story was contributed by his daughter, Dawn Ishisaki, , with an assist from her siblings, Kevin Takei, Dina Kanaya, and Tonia Kramp.

Ben Takeshita
Ben Takeshita

Ben Takeshita (A Star is Born)

Ben was born in Alameda, CA, but grew up in San Mateo, where his father ran the family landscape gardening business. The family was sent to Topaz, but was later transferred to Tule Lake. After the War, Ben graduated from San Mateo High School, then served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. With a degree from UC Berkeley, he worked for the State Department of Employment until retirement. He lives in Richmond, CA with his wife Fumiko.

Grace Mori Saito Tom
Grace Mori Saito Tom

Grace Mori Saito Tom (December 7, Oakland to Tanforan, On to Topaz, “Romance”, Homesick, Winter Sports, Resettlement)

Grace grew up in Chinatown in Oakland, CA. She was 11 and attending Lincoln Elementary School when Pearl Harbor was attacked. The family was sent to Tanforan and later, Topaz. After the War, Grace’s family was among the last to leave Topaz, having nowhere to go. They returned to the San Francisco Bay Area, where the family lived in one room at a church hostel. Grace wrote her memoir in 1999 and passed away the same year.

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