Carl’s loyalty and optimism are reflected in this quote from a War Relocation Authority news item:
“If we prove ourselves loyal during the war and good citizens after the war in civilian jobs, I think the hatred on the West Coast will fade away.”1
Our grandfather was finally able to rejoin our grandmother and mother back in San Francisco in April of 1946. He reestablished his dental practice, and in 1964, our father, Saburo Kami, DDS, joined it. Today, it continues to flourish as Carl’s eldest granddaughter, Cynthia Kami, DDS, is the third generation in the Hirota practice, which continues to serve many of the same families and their descendants.
1 Online Archives of California. Accessed 8/9/2021.
About the contributors: Dr. Carl and Uta Hirota have three granddaughters and six greatgrandchildren. His granddaughters, born in San Francisco after the War, shared this story. Cynthia Kami continues her grandfather’s dental practice in San Francisco; Diane Kami teaches middle school in Los Angeles; and Carolyn Loughlin does photography and volunteers at a music Academy in Massachusetts.
Copyright 2021, Cynthia Kami, Carolyn Loughlin, Diane Kami. All rights reserved.
What a legacy! A wonderful family of capable dentists, grateful patients, and many dear family members and friends. Thank you for including this inspiring story of forgiveness and loyalty.
Lauren, Thank you for reading my grandfather’s story & your kind words.
His legacy is not forgotten & reflects so often in my dental practice.
Thank you so much for sharing this family story and how dentistry has been such a part of your history. A very dedicated dentist certainly shines through the story. A special history and legacy to carry on!
Pat, Thank you for your thoughtful reply…I was so glad you were able to share some of my past family history with me at the exhibit at The Presidio too!