With input from Jeanie Kashima
“Since we had no cradle, I was put in a bread box.”

I was born on the floor of the laundry room at Topaz. This was one of my mother’s enduring memories of camp. She remembered the sand coming in from the cracks in the laundry room walls.
Topaz opened on September 11, 1942, and I was born on September 22. My mother often recalled the long, hot, tiring train trip to Topaz, made doubly difficult because of her pregnancy. By September 22, much of the camp wasn’t built yet. The laundry room in Block 4 was serving as a temporary infirmary.
Since we had no cradle, I was put in a bread box. This was my first bed. I was named Eugenia, after Dr. Eugenia Fujita, the doctor who delivered me.
I was also born in Topaz before the hospital was built, December 19, 1942. I was delivered Dr. John Teshima at 12:17 AM. My parents rarely spoke about our Topaz experience, but did tell us I was born in the laundry room. Officially, my birth certificate says “Topaz City Hospital”. Whether that was in Block 11, where we were, or Block 4, like yourself, is something worth discovering. I’ve been forever wondering if I was born in the clean or dirty laundry in the laundry room
When we last visited Topaz as part of the Topaz Museum opening, Jane Beckwith was kind enough to take our entire Hirano clan to the Block 11-C site. There, we were able to clearly see the remains of the concrete slab that was the showers, toilet and laundry building. I told Jane I had come to find the spot where I took my very first breath. Jane pointed out the laundry sink that was likely used to clean babies after birth. I thought to myself, this had to be where I experienced my first bath and steps away from where I took that first breath.
With some additional research, one day I’ll hopefully be able to confirm I was born there, Block 4 or the partially built Topaz Hospital where I heard somewhere was sometimes used for deliveries.
It was so interesting to read your comments as I assumed I was the only baby born in the laundry room in block 4. I was under the assumption that the hospital was soon completed after my birth. I wonder how many other babies were born in block 4 laundry room and other laundry rooms.
I came across health records of my care from birth. It was well documented and it appeared that I received good medical care after my birth. In any case, it was a challenging experience for our young mothers to endure.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork and your story. I really enjoyed reading it and viewing the collages.
Dear Jeanie
Today I saw your works at Liberty station and found them profoundly moving. I’m the exec director and chief curator at New Amer Museum next door to Visions and would love to invite you to share some reflections on May 6 during a talk we are presenting with JACL connected to our newest exhibit opening April 27 Una Storia Segreta (Italian Amer internment)
Thanks so much
Linda Sotelo
Thank you for reaching out, Linda! I have forwarded your message to Jeanie.
Ruth Sasaki
Topaz Stories Editor