Contributors by last name: D

Jack and Jun Dairiki, San Francisco, 2022
Jack and Jun Dairiki

Jun Nakahara Dairiki (Topaz Fish Story, The Long Haul)

Jun was born in San Francisco in 1934. She was seven years old when the Nakahara family was incarcerated in Tanforan. While her two elder sisters resettled in Chicago, Jun and her parents were in Topaz for the duration of the War and farmed in Idaho when the camp closed. After graduating from high school, Jun worked in Chicago, then spent two years in Japan with the civil service. She met her husband Jack after returning from Japan and settling in San Francisco.

A senior Japanese American woman with short white hair and black-rimmed glasses laughs into the camera, her head bowed toward a brown-haired baby with a teething ring in his mouth.
Ann Tamaki Dion and grandson Henry

Ann Tamaki Dion (Min’s Decision, Kiku’s Angel)

Ann’s parents, Min Tamaki and Iyo Yamashita, were married in Topaz in 1943. Ann was born in 1948 in Massachusetts, where her father served as an Army pharmacist. After the War, the family returned to California. Ann grew up in Oakland and received a BA and teaching credential from UC Berkeley. She taught in the Oakland Public Schools before she retired. Ann was one of the founders of the Friends of the Topaz Museum.

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