Contributors by last name: Y

Close-up of a senior Japanese American woman with silver hair and glasses. She is wearing a bright red top.
Doris Yamada Yagi

Doris Yamada Yagi (Swept Away)

Doris was born in 1932 in Sacramento, CA, and was incarcerated with her family at Marysville Assembly Center, Tule Lake, and Topaz. She graduated from Manual High School in Denver, CO and attended the University of Denver, studying music. She and her late husband Donald raised four children in suburban Denver, where she still resides today.

Kenneth Yamashita
Kenneth Yamashita

Kenneth Yamashita (Kibei Cowboy, Kiku’s Angel)

Ken was born in Topaz on 9/11/45. His father, Susumu, was granted “unofficial” leave in New York City in June 1945 while his mother, Kiyoko Kitano Yamashita, grandmother and aunts remained in camp. He rejoined the family in Berkeley in December 1945. Ken grew up in New Jersey and received a BA and MLIS from Rutgers—The State University of NJ and a PhD from Simmons University in Boston. He retired from a 40-year career in public libraries in 2010.

Jon Yatabe, 2021
Jon Yatabe

Jon Yatabe (Toy Story, Two Camps, The Wizard of Provo, The Winds of Topaz, The Jungle Gym, Escaping Topaz, The End and the Beginning)

Jon was born in Berkeley in 1937 and grew up in Redwood City, CA, where his father, Tak Yatabe, grew flowers. From Topaz, his father joined the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and fought in Europe. The Yatabes settled in Berkeley after the War. Jon graduated from UC Berkeley and received a PhD from the University of Illinois. After a long career in Washington and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, he retired and divides his time between Alaska and Colorado (where he loves spending time with his grandchildren).

Yae Kami Yedlosky
Yae Kami Yedlosky

Yaeko Kami Yedlosky (A Family Divided, Friends Forever)

Yae was born and raised in Berkeley. Her family was in Tanforan and later, Topaz. She graduated junior high in Topaz in 1945. The family returned to Berkeley after the War, and their home served as a hostel for returning internees. After graduating Berkeley High and Armstrong Business College, Yae worked for a research station as a secretary and later, administrator. She currently resides in Oakland, CA.

Carol Yoshimto
Carol Yoshimoto

Carol Yoshimoto (Galvanized Buckets, Koi)

Carol was born after the War in Berkeley, CA. Her grandfather, Hikojiro Mabuchi, was a master carpenter who helped design and build many of the East Bay’s pre-War nurseries. Her family operated Contra Costa Florist in El Cerrito, CA for many years. Carol has an MA in classical Japanese literature from UC Berkeley and a JD from Hastings College of the Law.

Back row: Todd and Steve Takahashi. Front row: Lynn Franklin, Fusa Takahashi, and Diane Yuen.
Front: Lynn Franklin, Fusa Takahashi, Diane Yuen. Back: Todd and Steve Takahashi

Diane Yuen (Exit From Tanforan)

Diane Takahashi Yuen was born in San Francisco after the War, along with her siblings Steve, Lynn and Todd. They were raised in Richmond, CA, near the pharmacy in San Pablo that their dad, Kazuo Takahashi, purchased.

They all live in the East Bay or Sacramento area and are retired: Diane from her job of 20 years as an elementary school secretary in Roseville; Steve, from his job as head of estimating & sales for a commercial mechanical construction company in Lafayette; Lynn from executive special assistant/marketing for the Sacramento Kings after supporting Steve Jobs at General Magic, NeXT, and Apple; and Todd from 40 years as a pharmacist at Kaiser Roseville. 

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