Toy Story

Our biggest kite problem was having enough string. If you had five cents, you could buy a whole roll of kite string, but most of us had to scrounge enough scraps to make a long enough string. This was tough because flying out over the barbed-wire fences with a safe margin took over 100 yards of string! We were always on the lookout for packages and things wrapped in string. Often people would pick up their package to find no string around it, as we kids had already raided the room where mail was distributed. No one said anything, but I’m sure they knew why their string was missing.

Boys with Kite, by Estelle Ishigo. Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA.

We needed better string but shorter pieces for the yo-yo season. Most of us couldn’t afford a Duncan Yo-Yo, the gold standard. We could buy two Duncan strings for a nickel; then we would ask the old men to carve us a yo-yo. They found an old Duncan and took it apart. They began carving, and two days later, every kid in Block 26 had a serviceable yo-yo, carved from bare pine in three pieces. 

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8 thoughts on “Toy Story
    1. Thank you. I hope our next generations will remember what happened so it will not repeat.

    1. Hi Sam,

      This story took place about 50 years before Woody was born! But did you know that there were Walt Disney animators who were incarcerated in Topaz? Gene Sogioka (Fantasia, Dumbo, Bambi) and Willie Ito (Lady and the Tramp) both worked for Disney before they were kicked out of California and imprisoned in the Utah desert because of their Japanese heritage.

      The Topaz Stories Team

  1. As always dear friend and colleague, you are an amazing, multidimensional version of the best that humans can be. If only all Americans could use you as a model of citizenship after all that you and your family experienced at the hands of our country.

    1. thank you Isaac, in these troubled times when the Enemy Aliens Act is revived, we must all stand strong for freedom and tolerance.

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